1. Présentation.
To comply with article 6 of French law number 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy, we would like to inform visitors to the website at https://www.poolandlight.com/ of the various parties responsible for designing and monitoring the site:
Owner : Patrick Mazure – 85173753600017 – 57 PRO DES ANGLAIS 06000 NICE Designer : Agence Poolette Publisher : Patrick Mazure – contact@piscines-mazure.com Le responsable publication est une personne physique ou une personne morale. Webmaster : Signature-Production Host : DEVCLIC – Immeuble “Le Mathis” 204 avenue de Colmar 67100 STRASBOURG
By visiting https://www.poolandlight.com/ you acknowledge and accept in full the terms and conditions set out below. These terms and conditions may be modified or extended at any time, and you are invited to review them regularly. Under normal circumstances, the site is accessible to users at all times. However, Patrick Mazure may occasionally need to take the site off-line for maintenance, and will endeavour to inform users in advance of dates and times when the service will be unavailable. Patrick Mazure regularly updates the site at https://www.poolandlight.com/, including these terms and conditions. These may be modified at any time, and as the user it is your responsibility to review them often and note any changes.
3. Services.
The purpose of the site at https://www.poolandlight.com/ is to provide information about the company and its business activities. Patrick Mazure makes every effort to ensure the information it contains is as accurate as possible. However, he cannot be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies or errors contained in the updates, whether as a result of his own actions or those of third parties. The information provided on the https://www.poolandlight.com/ site is for information only, and may be subject to change. The information given is not exhaustive, and may have changed since it was published online.
This site uses JavaScript technology. The website cannot be held liable for material damage related to use of the site. In addition, users undertake to access the site using up-to-date, virus-free hardware with an updated, latest-generation browser.
Patrick Mazure holds all intellectual property rights relating to the site, and also usage rights to all site content including, but not limited to, text, photographs, graphics, logo, icons, sound and code. Copying, redisplaying, making changes to, posting or adapting the site or any part of it, by whatever means, is strictly prohibited, unless with prior written permission from Patrick Mazure. Unauthorised use of the site or any of its content will be considered infringement, and legal action will be sought under articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
Patrick Mazure cannot be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, to the user’s device when accessing the site at https://www.poolandlight.com/, whether from failure of the device to meet the required specifications (outlined in point 4), the presence of a bug, or any other incompatibility. Neither can Patrick Mazure be held liable for indirect damages including, but not limited to, loss of opportunity or loss of markets resulting from use of the site at https://www.poolandlight.com/. The site includes interactive pages, where users are invited to leave questions within a specific contact area. Patrick Mazure reserves the right to remove any content deemed to contravene French law, particularly data protection provisions. Where applicable, Patrick Mazure also reserves the right to prosecute users who post such content under criminal or civil law, particularly where content is racist, offensive, defamatory or pornographic, whatever the medium, including, but not limited to, written content or images.
In France, personal data is protected by law, notably law no. 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, article L. 226-13 of the French Penal Code and the European directive of 24 October 1995. When you use the site at https://www.poolandlight.com/, we may gather the following information about you: the URL of the link via which you accessed the site, your internet provider, and your IP address. Patrick Mazure will only collect the personal data required for the proper functioning of certain services offered by the site at https://www.poolandlight.com/. The user acknowledges that they provide this information in full knowledge of these facts, particularly where they enter such information themselves. It is to be noted that the user may choose whether or not to enter this information. In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 et seq. of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Freedoms, users have the right to access or correct their personal data, or have it deleted. This can be done by sending in a signed, written request, enclosing a signed copy of proof of identity and the address to which the reply should be sent. No personal information relating to the user is posted, exchanged, transferred, given or sold to a third party without the user’s knowledge. Such information will only be transferred in the event that Patrick Mazure, along with the rights pertaining to the site, are bought out. The buyer would then be subject to the same laws and obligations regarding the rights of users of the site at https://www.poolandlight.com/ The site is not registered with the CNIL, the French body responsible for data protection, as it does not collect personal data. Databases are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998, which transposes Directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 on the Legal Protection of Databases.
The site at https://www.poolandlight.com/ contains links to other websites, included with express permission from Patrick Mazure. Patrick Mazure cannot, however review the content of such sites or accept liability for them. The site at https://www.poolandlight.com/ uses cookies, small text files stored by the site on the user’s device when visiting the site. Cookies do not identify the user, but save information about the user’s preferences when visiting the site. Data obtained in this way is used to enhance the user’s subsequent browsing experience and to measure traffic to the site. Disabling cookies may prevent the user from accessing certain parts of the site. If, however, the user chooses to disable cookies, they can do so as follows: In Internet Explorer: Click on Settings (the gearwheel icon in the top right hand corner of the screen), then select Internet Options. Click the Privacy tab and choose Block to block all cookies. Click ok to confirm. In Firefox: Click on the menu bar at the top of the screen; click Firefox and select Options. Select the Privacy and Security option. In the Enhanced Tracking Protection section, select Custom, and tick the Cookies box to disable. In Safari: Click on the menu icon (gearwheel) in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select Preferences, then click Advanced. Choose the Privacy option. You can now choose to disable cookies. In Chrome: Click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right hand corner of your screen. Select Settings, then Advanced Settings. Click on Privacy and Security; you can choose to block cookies from this screen.
The Terms and Conditions of Use for the website at https://www.poolandlight.com/ are governed by French law. Any disputes arising will be heard by the relevant authorities in the Paris jurisdiction.
The principal laws governing these Terms and Conditions are: Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, modified by law to 004-801 of 6 August 2004 on Information Technology, Data Files and Freedoms. Law 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy.
The user is defined as any person connecting to and using the site. Personal data is defined as ‘information which allows for the identification of the physical person to whom it relates, in whatever form, whether directly or indirectly’. (Article 4, Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978.)